ALM03poster - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
22-24 August 2003, Almere (Netherlands)

After having the MOS at a Skate-park in 2002, we switched the venue to the…

GOM03fly - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
15-17 August 2003, Gomel (Belarus)

Due to the restrictive government of Belarus, it was not possible to have the MOS…

BEL03fly - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
08-10 August 2003, Belchatow (Poland)

In 2003 the polish MOS was originally scheduled in Lodz, but due to election of…

MOS03inta - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
27-29 July 2003, Winterthur (Switzerland)

You got to know that the climate concerning Graffiti in Zürich is not really positive,…

POR03fly1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
11-13 July 2003, Pori (Finland)

As well as in many other scandinavian countries, in Finland the climate is very restrictive…

CPH03fly2 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
04-06 July 2003, Copenhagen (Denmark)

The mental climate concerning Graffiti has never been really good in Copenhagen. After we had…

MOS03inta - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
20-22 June 2003, Liverpool (England)

England was left a little aside from the continental Graf-scene. So it was very interesting…

MOS03inta - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
02-08 June 2003, Paris (France)

In Paris the MOS happened in close cooperation with the Kosmopolite-Festival. Over one week there…

ZGB03front - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
23-25 May 2003, Zagreb (Croatia)

The croatian MOS was the first international Hip-Hop-Jam that happened in Zagreb since more than…

MOS03inta - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
09-11 May 2003, Münster (Germany)

Due to the destruction of the Schlachthof-grounds  in Wiesbaden, the opening of the project happened…

MOS02INT2 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
20-21 September 2002, Wiesbaden (Germany)

For the closing of the first year of MOS, the event returns to where it…

alm02poster - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
20-24 August 2002, Antwerp (Belgium)

Antwerp in Belgium is another city thats been part of the MOS-project since its early…