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23-25 May 2008, Carevo (Bulgaria)

23-25 May 2008, Carevo (Bulgaria)

car08fly - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

It is the third time the Meeting is coming down to Bulgaria. The national Graffiti- and Hip-Hop-scene is young, but very active, vivid and diverse. After the MOS started in Varna 2006 at the Black Sea, the event moved to the capitol Sofia and now comes back to the sea.

In 1882, a fire destroyed almost the entire town, forcing the locals to re-establish the city on a new site. After the village was ceded to Bulgaria in 1913, following the Balkan Wars, its Greek population moved to Greece. In the first half of the 19th century, Vasiliko had a marine of 42 ships. As the boom of tourism hasnยดt reached the city yet, it still has beautiful untouched beaches.

Meeting Of Styles Bulgaria Tsarevo, 23-25 May 2008
Friday 23/05: Arrival of the artists and discussion about the main topic
Saturday 24/05: Drawing, drinking and chilling out
PartySunday 25/05: Wrap-up and departure

car08wall2web car08wall1web

The chosen spot is in Carevo, 50 km from Burgas with a great view on the Black Sea. Its located on a cove 70 km southeast of Burgas, on the southern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast of Strandzha.

The venue is established and wellknown across Bulgaria as some Graffiti-Events happened here before.

See Also
BOG14flyweb - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

The wall has aprrox 1500squaremeters space on two levels. The event will start friday with the arrival of foreign artists, preparation of the wall while saturday will be the main day with stage, music and perfomances.

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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