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18-20 November 2011, Venice (Italy)

18-20 November 2011, Venice (Italy)

MOS11fly1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Once again MOS strikes back in Italy! Be prepared for high-quality art! Mani pulite was yesterday! Urban Code, our Graffiti-Masons from Venice, are currently preparing the latest details. Though the spot is not really sure yet, expect italian Graf on a top-level!

Urban Code in cooperation with the Salt Docks and PVC Revolt once again organizes the Italian leg of the International MOS. Now the countdown begins!


For the eighth edition. The place chosen this year for the third time is the Albanian Bissuola Park, the green heart of Mestre.


Bissuola the park since the early 90โ€ฒs was the meeting place of different realities of young people in the city, including skaters and writers, and we will continue to do so.


For years we have local authors and Urban Code claims that space, also painted for the younger generation of writers. The Meeting of Styles is in Venice, an event open to the citizenry, an occasion for celebration and reflection, meet people and meeting โ€ฆ: styles of letters and pictures on the site by a rich selection of the best Italian writers produced.

See Also
WSB17plakatweb1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti


Check out the gallery!

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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