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17-19 October 2008, St. Petersburg (Russia)

17-19 October 2008, St. Petersburg (Russia)

spb08fly1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

The russian event is established since 2003 and started in Gomel, Belarus. After the event moved to Minsk, since 2006 St.Petersburg is the chosen city. But now here come some suprising news: the event was postponed!

It seems like SPB is a wicked place with some issues going on over there. What happened is a dirty game played by rivals. They bribed the administration, got the funding and permission in order to sabotage the MOS.


Its not easy to understand how things work over there, but you might know: power and money is the key and with the right connections, in russia you may achieve a lot.






Saint-P artists are boycotting their event, and wrote a letter of protest to the administration. So eventhough we failed right now, we strike back โ€“ later. We will keep you posted and apologize if you had inconveniences, but politics are always out there.


See Also
MIA18grafixweb scaled 1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

The chosen wall is on a backside of a of a housing-project โ€“ vertical. The wall is sohigh, it can be seen from all parts of the district. The wall is 37m high and has 10m length and will be created in a huge topic with concept illustrating cooperation and communcation, created by artists from Russia and foreign invites. led008webspot2.jpg


Saint-Petersburg: trun(FFTAD), wais(FFTAD), twol, zomb, cobr, petro, ixel, space, koks, truba, brow, maksow, aurs, roof169, sy, dzenik, pour, iork, el paso

The spot and the programm: Saint-Petersburg, pr. Ispitateley 26, Komendantskij pr. metro station. All shows will be on the second day. The first day is mainly to organise the wall. On the second day in the evening we have afterparty at the club called SINCITY. It`s situated right here, near the wall.

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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