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29 Oct – 05 Nov 2015, Merida (Venezuela)

29 Oct – 05 Nov 2015, Merida (Venezuela)

VZ15slide1web - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

After the great outcome of the first Meeting of Venezuela in the city of Maracay there was no doubt MOS has to return. The local orga comes up with many nice walls in the city of Merida ready to be rocked by the high-potential of latin-american artists!

Mรฉrida, officially known as Santiago de los Caballeros de Mรฉrida, is the capital of the municipality of Libertador and the state of Mรฉrida, and is one of the principal cities of the Venezuelan Andes.


The Mรฉrida cable car is the highest and largest cable car in the world. The capital city’s and the metropolitan area, that includes the municipality of Libertador, reaches 345,489 people. It also has the highest and longest cable car in the world.

It is the largest student and tourist center of western Venezuela. The mass transit system (Trolebรบs Mรฉrida) is available as a means of tourist transport.

This city sits on a tableland nestled in the valley of the Chama River, which runs from end to end. The town of Mรฉrida is located at an altitude of 1,600 meters (5,249 ft). As background on the horizon rises the country’s highest summit: the Pico Bolรญvar with an altitude of 4981 meters (16,338 ft).

See Also
RUS06pic6 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

For participation contact: MOSVENEZUELA2015@GMAIL.COM or check the facebook-page


Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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