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Meeting Of Styles 2019 “Global Idol”

Meeting Of Styles 2019 “Global Idol”

INT19Poster web - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Int. Meeting Of Styles 2019 – “Global Idol”

โ€œIt’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.โ€
Anne Frank

In a world which lives in having and not in being, in which materialism is above spirituality, in which absolute freedom is a dream in far distance, which is dominated by half-truths and lies, in which the truth can be found between the lines, brothers and sisters were turned into competitors and opponents. In a world whose spirit of the age is characterized by uncertainty, increasing destruction of the environment, wars and endless conflicts, more than ever an unifying vision of a new world is needed, of a new humanity based on knowledge and enlightenment and whose essence is the dignity of mankind, his equality, brotherhood and uniqueness. This is what our attempts should be all about, the creation of a better world. The time has come for a global vision, a global idol for the world of tomorrow. The time is now.

26-28 April 2019 – Manila (Philippines)
10-12 May 2019 – Bangkok (Thailand)

13-16 June 2019 – Wiesbaden (Germany)
21-23 June 2019 – Madrid (Spain)
28-30 June 2019 – Barcelona (Spain)
19-21 July 2019 – Copenhagen (Denmark)
26-28 July 2019 – Pristina (Kosovo)
02-04 August 2019 – Lublin (Poland)
09-11 August 2019 – Antwerp (Belgium)

27-29 September 2019 – Los Angeles (USA)
04-06 October 2019 – Mexico
11-13 October 2019 – Mexico
18-20 October 2019 – Mexico
25-27 October 2019 – Lima (Peru)
02-03 November 2019 – Bogota (Colombia)
15-17 November 2019 – Rio Grande/Pelotas (Brasil)
13-15 December 2019 – Santiago De Chile (Chile)

Schedule only consists confirmed dates. Eventually more MOS will be added.

See Also
mex08fly1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

To see open call for artists and to apply please click here!
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Artworky by Gent48 and Rize AK

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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