The spot for the dutch Meeting was the same as in 2003 โ the beach of Almere at Wet Heerwater with many different attractions.
Beside of the wooden wall which was more than 250m long and approx 2.20m high, there was a stage for music and dance-performances.
Also breakdance and such attractions as “henna” tattooing, body painting and more. On the walls: Team Alosta, Sate, Erts, Codex, Casroc, Bah, Focuz, Nash, Zenith, Duck, Juice, Seemsoe, Moze, Daltone, Gate, Daddy Cool, Zedz,Faith71, Sign, Neas, Yenk, Odes, Kar, Toxik, DNS-Crew, Chuck, Fuse, Game. This years theme: Mixed Media. Music by: Bass-80, Sinistah, DRT & Jerome XL, Dana, Blocnotes, Quojongen, DJ Chest Rockwell.

Author: MoS
MOS Orga.