The first Meeting Of Styles in Thailand was a great success so it was clear that MOS was eager to return. In coop with our local organisation-partners E12 and As You Wish MOS is coming back!
Be ready for a 2 day graffiti festival “Meeting of Styles Chiang Mai 2015” with many top street artists, DJs and BBoys plus Street market to treat your every need.
Meeting of Styles Thailand likes to officially announce the 2 day graffiti festival, Meeting of Styles Thailand 2015 during 17-18 April. This year we are headed up north to the beautiful and cultural city of Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai has become a city where the arts and crafts culture is widely accepted and praised.
Each year, we are gathering approximately 70-100 street artists from all around the world to this one event to exchange ideas and share different cultures. The Meeting of Styles location this year is at Mae Jo District, just 20 minutes away from Chiang Mai Town, at an abandon building which this event will bring back to life. Artists from all over the world, Asia will meet up with artists from all over Thailand to change this abandonned building into a big piece of art! Selected DJs will rock the house!
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***International Writers***
Dvise BA BNA DIA, Australia (letter) Sirko MSCRW, Ukraine (letter), Royal MHS DOA WYS, Poland (letter), Poas AMF KOC, Australia (letter), Foner BYS, Switzerland (letter), Suglas LJDA, Canary Island/Spain (letter), Talu SNE, Brazil (letter), Keber WS, Morocco (letter), Ares EDK BF, Switzerland (letter/character), Tones EDK DVS, Switzerland (letter/character), DiamondOne DTF, Newzealand (realism), Mate Two DTF BDC, England (letter/portrait), Codefc DTF, UK (letter), Dr Drex One Truth, Switzerland (character), Chiez OGR, Germany (letter), Sik KAPS HOTAIR, China (letter), Damt HOTAIR, (character), Hean KODS HOTAIR KOP, (letter), Mok1 TYC KOP, (letter), Jungle, (character), Gt HNP, (letter), Mt HNP CGG, (character), Reoz, China (letter), Anoir NC LGS, (letter), Kong LGS TSK, (letter), Baum Flogirl, (character/letter), Sloch 10S, (letter), Cunky DONGBA, Vietnam (letter)
***Thai Writers***
BC Crew: Omer = letter, Pong = letter, Sec = letter, DOG Crew: Cas RUA = character, Marker = letter, Nhha = character, Suisun = character, Jeys = letter, YSW Crew: Dbt RUA WYS = letter, Jesus103 RUA MHS = letter, Gumdik RUA = letter, Sira RUA TK = letter, Side DMC = letter, Deio = letter, Zarim = letter/character, Noser TK = letter/character, Kang444 RUA DMC = letter/character, Dizer RUA JET = letter, Laxz RUA TK = letter, Triple BNA = letter, Lhorn = letter, Biser = letter, Bose TK = letter, Gobland33 JET = character, Pakorn BNA = 3D, character, Alexface = character, GohM = character, Dea DBK = character, Mr.Bows DTF = letter, character, Poison DTF = letter, Pkone SEA = letter, Tccy SEA = character, Staone = letter, Soper = character, Mauy Cola = character, Dee Mhee = character, Bonus TMC = character, Hootive TMC = character, Ball = character Chun Smith = character, CSM = character, Cnp SEA GFL = character/letter, Yearo GFL BR = character/letter, Luxlay = character, Cpsdude = character, Brightside = character, Spanky = character, Ping = character, Bride CRY = character, Artmy = character, Sanchai = character, Ekos1 OMG = letter, Dee sweet drug = character
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Author: MoS
MOS Orga.