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20-22 May 2011, Budapest (Hungary)

20-22 May 2011, Budapest (Hungary)

MOS PLAKAT SQ1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Another premiere: Budapest, the capital of Hungary joins the MOS-map! As the largest city of Hungary, it serves as the country’s principal political, cultural, commercial, industrial and transportation centre.


In 2010 Budapest had 1,721,556 inhabitants, its Commuter Area is home to 3,271,110 people. The city covers an area of 525 square kilometres within the city limits.

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On the walls: Band, Remy, Fork, Kast, Robe, Obie, NikonOne, Rask, Mide, Blik, Epos, Hoek, Tite, Break, Heat, Mega, Goir, Albino, MAS-ETM, DKH (slovakia), CityRats (slovenia), Sago (italy) and many more….

Meeting of Styles Budapest 2011 from Tom Colorline on Vimeo.

Event address: XXII. Anna utca 4, Budapest. Starts 12:00 saturday and closes 19:00 sunday.The place to rock: a funky Cart-Course-Spot with nice walls in and outside.
The Budapest Metro is the rapid transit system and is the second-oldest underground metro system in the world after the London Underground.

See Also
MTY14fly1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Its iconic Line 1, dating from 1896, was declared a World Heritage Site in 2002. The Metro consists of three lines, each designated by a number and a colour.

Metro Line 4 is currently under construction; the first section is scheduled to open in 2012.

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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