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19-21 September 2008, Oakland (USA)

19-21 September 2008, Oakland (USA)

mos08poster - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

The final Meeting in the States came through in a relaxed and creative vibe, and in memory of the West-Coast-Legend Dream in Oakland. Originally the West-Coast-MOS was scheduled to happen in Los Angeles. But due to city-politics it was not possible to do it there.

mos08poster - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
Old-Schooler Krash of the TDK-Crew, who used to go out to paint with Dream, then luckily jumped in with a nice nice wall near the famous Oakland-Train-Tracks. The spot is located in the backyard of a storage place next to the Bart-line, the walls been painted years and years ago, with a huge production in memory of the legend Dream. Through the years, sun and rain made the mural fade away, so the landlord decided to buff it and let it be repainted.

oak08new2 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

The walls were primed, artists were ready to rock, so early saturday morning the event started with definition of wallspaces. By the time more and more artists came in so in the evening it was quite buisy. You got to know that Oakland, San Francisco and the Bay-area have a long history in Graffiti and Mural-painting as the area has always been a melting-pot for critical and creative minds. Still up to these days a lot of legends are living around here, such as Mark Bodรฉ, Vulcan, CrayOne and many more like Raven MPC, Nate, Omen, Frame, Risky from LA, Charlie, Denz71 from Chicago, Dezi, KC, Stan153, Pose2 from NY & more to come Apex, Volcan, HydeOne, Daz & Poesia are just some names on the endless list of participants.

With a total of approx 1000squaremeters the walls gave space for a lot of artists. During the day its been really chill. People came around to meet and hang out, to sketch and chat or just chill. Lotof artists from all around the Bay-area, the Mid-West down to Arizona came to participate.

TDK: Krash, Vogue, Done, Merx, Spie, Soul, Meut, Stash, Jase, Dyl, Tase, King157. BSK: Del, Style, Excel,Terms, Kufu, Amend, Refa, TMF: Dean, Rize, Quess, Bizaro, Cypher, Stash5, Butter AS: Sundance, Ader,D.Lux, Eskae, KTD: Razer, Pase, Mark Bode, TWS: CryOne, Picasso & who ever shows up from MOS. The wall is 11ft.x150ft.

One has to question Gloria Molinaโ€™s sanity. That she would spend significant amounts of city money to paint over the Meeting of Styles murals in the Arroyo and at the end, cause problems for the 2008-edition.

Reportedly acting like a sexual hysteric over a very innocent green wood-nymph character by Asylm, and then wanting to charge it all to FOLAR (Friends Of The Los Angeles River), well, itโ€™s certifiably bizarre behavior.She is having city authorities conduct a campaign that would make Stalin proud, threatening property owners with huge fines if they donโ€™t paint over murals she hasnโ€™t approved such as the beautiful murals of the Buddah at Western and Marathon featured in the L.A. Weekly.

See Also
MTL23 Grafix - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

lax07spot1My understanding is that her hatred of art has come to a head, with enough response from business owners infuriated with her actions, that the city has put a moratorium on citations until a policy can be worked out. But donโ€™t just take my word for it. Watch the following video at and keep in mind that Chairman Gloria had the mural painted out. Seeing that she is also on a tear about Taco Trucks around the city, Vyal thinks she must be ashamed of having Mexican blood, and is therefore trying to wipe out any trace of that culture; no graffiti, no tacos. Perhaps she should legally change her last name to something as bland as she wants to make the whole city.
Our local organiser ManOne had a huge wall in Downtown LA with permission from the owner, with support from the Councilwoman, with sponsors, but the City couldnt give approval because of the bullshit going on right now in the Dept of Building and Safety. If we had done the mural we had be fined $1,000 every day the mural is up until it is buffed.


Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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