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The Vision of a Cultural Campus and the European Hip Hop Museum

The Vision of a Cultural Campus and the European Hip Hop Museum

Kulturcampus 0 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

In the heart of Wiesbaden, near the main station at the Schlachthof compounds where iconic Graffiti-Hip-Hop-Festivals were organized between 1997-2001, a visionary project may unfold slowly โ€“ the creation of a cultural campus. At its core lies an ambitious proposal for a European Hip Hop Museum, seeking to document the roots of Hip Hop in NYC and its evolution across Europe from its early days to the present.

As evident, Meeting of Styles has traversed a remarkable journey! Born in 1997 at the legendary Schlachthof as the international Wall Street Meeting, the festival has been truly inspirational.Its inception aimed to emphasize the preservation of the compound and oppose the destruction of Europe’s largest Graffiti Hall-of-Fame.

WSM Buch web pic 1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & GraffitiOut of the Meeting, various movements emerged, catalyzing the development and transformation of an industrial wasteland into a cultural park, featuring a well established cultural center, skate hall, a factory serving as a concert and show venue, a graffiti gallery, and various outdoor activities.

Kulturcampus 3 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

As it may unfold this unique compound may evolve into a remarkable hotspot of various cultural movements. The vision for this unique Cultural Campus, conceived to span several socio-cultural institutions and include a skate hall and a Rock-and-Roll Hotel, has garnered attention from local politics. Engaging in meaningful talks with all political parties in the parliament, the response has been notably positive and receptive. The proposed museum is slated to occupy an expansive 5000 square meters of space, representing a substantial commitment to the preservation and celebration of Hip Hop culture. With successful negotiations and widespread support from involved institutions and political entities, the European Hip Hop Museum may become a reality in the closer future.

Kulturcampus 0 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & GraffitiTo bolster the project’s acceptance and showcase its significance, the initiative is reaching out to influential figures within the Hip Hop community. In light of the promising momentum in Wiesbaden, situated conveniently close to Frankfurt/Main airport, the establishment of a European Hip Hop Museum seems not only feasible but almost imminent. As the vision gains attraction, the European Hip Hop Museum in Wiesbaden holds the promise of becoming a groundbreaking institution, preserving the rich history and vibrant evolution of Hip Hop culture for generations to come. “Destroy and Rebuild”!

See Also
Dirty Six 3 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

WSM Buch web Cover - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffitiwall

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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