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Mr. Manz from Madrid (Spain): “Don´t stop painting!”

Mr. Manz from Madrid (Spain): “Don´t stop painting!”

file - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

MOS2021 great artwork was created by two amazing artists from Madrid in Spain. Mr. Manz and Asem Navarro. This time we take a close look to the life and work of Mr. Manz. Asem will come up soon!

MOS2021 Poster web - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Introduce yourself: My artist name is MANZ and that name is not very original because it is derived from my last name. Everyone called me by my last name so it was easy to get my artistic name. Since I was little I always liked urban culture and everything that is inside (graffiti, skate, rap, break dance …) When I was 18 years old I painted two or three walls and in the last wall the police caught us. At that moment I decided that until I could paint as I really wanted I would not give it a shot and that was about 6 years ago, which is when I started to really paint and dedicate as much time as possible to it.

Manz 4 file - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & GraffitiMy greatest inspiration is never to stop painting and to move forward. But I look at many artists like my brother Asem, Balstrome, Hombre, Treze … I am also very inspired by urban culture and urban and electronic music. For me the best thing that my city has to paint is that there are very good and unknown people with an incredible level. The problem is that graffiti is not valued in this country. And of course the good weather and the delicious food. My favorite placeto paint is an abandoned factory in my city. I like it because it is a very quiet and quite large place with a lot of graffiti everywhere. I love abandoned places to paint.

Manz 2 file - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & GraffitiManz 1 file - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & GraffitiManz 3 file - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & GraffitiManz 5 file - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

One of my dreams is to go to a Meeting of Styles with my crew. And travel anywhere but let it be to paint. My perfect day to paint would be a sunny day with heat and enjoy all day painting with my friends and some beers! For me each wall is always fun! But it is true that I would like to dedicate myself to painting all my life, but I still have a lot to learn! I like the productions of several days much more because in the end, even if it is a lot of work, the result is always much better than if you do a one-day wall. Also learn much more in the productions. It seems to me that they are an event that should be done more and thus show much more the art that is in the street and teach to value it.

Street Art, big scale muralismo, all is perfect to me since I think that even though there are many different trends, in the end everything is within the art, only the support and the technique change. I dislike about Graffiti the ego issue and i love the creativity, the variety of styles and all the people you can meet thanks to the art. One of the most exciting expiriences is the opportunity to participate in a Meeting of Styles. If I had the power I would try to solve the problems of hunger and health. It would give more aid to the people and it would give much more value to all art in general.

See Also
psychic - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Many thanks to Meeting of Styles for the opportunity to collaborate with this great family! Don’t stop  painting!

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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