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Meeting Of Styles 2014, “Cause And Effect”

Meeting Of Styles 2014, “Cause And Effect”

MOS14intplakatweb2 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Hello world! Int. Meeting Of Styles continues also in 2014 and brings back some of the former venues as well as some new and interesting events! This year Meeting Of Styles will be bigger than ever!

โ€œWhile we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of those actions. Consequences are governed by natural law.โ€ Stephen Covey

In a world dominated by materialism and greed, blinded by bread and games where brothers and sisters live as opponents and senseless consumption is of more significance than sustainable production it is just matter of time until ruthless exploitation will cause distinction of mankind. Lead by false incentives, detached of the real values of life it is time to reflect our attitudes and as people of this planet regain our power in order
to create a better world. The worldยดs future is causally determined by every action we choose in present. Fruits of tomorrow are being seeded today, whether sweet or bitter is a depending on cause and effect.

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14-16 March 2014, Porto Alegre (Brasil)
21-23 March 2014, Singapore (Singapore)
05-06 April 2014, Bangkok (Thailand)
12-13 April 2014, Shenzhen (China)
26-27 April 2014, Manila (Phillipines)
25-27 April 2014, Milano (Italy)
31 May-01 June 2014, Zagreb (Croatia)
05-07 June 2014, Athens (Greece)
13-15 June 2014, Wiesbaden (Germany)
27-29 June 2014, Madrid (Spain)
04-06 July 2014, London (England)
19-21 July 2014, Perpignan (France)
01-03 August 2014, Lublin (Poland)
15-16 August 2014, Constanta (Romania) – cancelled!
22-24 August 2014, Antwerp (Belgium)
29-31 August 2014, Magdeburg (Germany)
12-14 September 2014, Chicago (USA)
19-21 September 2014, Houston (USA)
25-28 September 2014, Monterrey (Mexico)
04-05 October 2014, Guadalajara (Mexico)
11-12 October 2014, Mexico DF (Mexico)
18-19 October 2014, Maracay (Venezuela) – ON HOLD!
24-26 October 2014, Lima (Peru) – confirmed!
15-16 November 2014, Bogota (Columbia) – confirmed!
21-23 November 2014, Buenos Aires (Argentina) – postponed to 2015!

See Also
GOM04fly1a - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti


Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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