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01-03 September 2006, Montreal (Canada)

01-03 September 2006, Montreal (Canada)

MON06pic1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Another premier happened in 2006 – MOS Montreal, Canada. This city is famous for its liberal attitude and lifestyle. The Montreal Graf-scene is pretty vivid and has a long history of activities. Several Jams in the past supported the scene and made it real strong. Be ready to see Graf from another spot in this world.


The address is 1435 Bleury. The Metro stop is Place Des Arts. You can easily get there with the bus lines  80, 129 and 24. The organisation considers having successfully taken up the challenge on putting together an important artistic demonstration over two days in the heart of Montreal’s downtown area.

For Crews that were painting, was 156, FC, TC5, NSA, HSA , CD, which include writers from France, Puerto Rico, Toronto, Montreal and New York City. The Jam started Friday, when many of the artists met at the location where the walls would be painted throughout the weekend, corner of Bleury and St-Catherine. Some knew each other, many were meeting for the first time. Artists from Puerto-Rico, Paris, New York, Boston, Toronto and Montreal took part in the event. After sketching out roughly what they would start to paint the next morning, they walked up to St-Laurent to get their food and drinks.

MON06pic4 MON06pic5 MON06pic6The BBQ event was really appreciated. Saturday and Sunday, the artists were busy painting the walls. Despite the bad weather, more than 60 muralists worked seriously and with high professionalism. More than 6500 people came to watch they works. During the Labor Day weekend there was a lot of action downtown – a film festival was taking place, the canadian broadcaster “Musique Plus” had a open door day, “back to school” shoppping was offered. However, the music and visual impact of the Meeting Of Styles also attracted the attention of the passers-by.

See Also
AFFICHE MOS 2016 officielle scaled 1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

MON06pic7The evening events on Saturday and Sunday gave the occasion to the artists and party goers to meet and hang out. Saturday, a private party in a downtown loft ended early in the morning. Sunday, a poster exhibit presented by Sharpie closed this first edition of the event. We are proud of having organized a major gathering around the theme of graffiti culture, without any problems, in calm and creative atmosphere. We strongly wish to make it happen again next year. It will be most important to have better funding for the 2007 edition. We have established our credibility and wish for our project to prompt public organizations and private companies to help our inititives, and to benefit from the visibility we have to offer. It will be most important to have better funding for the 2007 edition. We have established our credibility and wish for our project to prompt public organizations and private companies to help our inititives, and to benefit from the visibility we have to offer.

MON06pic8 MON06pic9 MON06pic10

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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