After three editions in Bogotá, the most important international Festival of Urban Art in the world, Meeting Of Styles (MOS) arrived in the municipality of La Estrella, located in the metropolitan area of Medellín for the first time.
This year, within the framework of SEPBio (System of Public Space for the Biocity), the Mayor’s Office of the municipality of La Estrella presented the 2020 edition of the MOS Colombia Festival, with the support of the Pintuco Foundation, Contraforma, One Two Tribes and as in previous years under the organization of the Tranvía Group; despite the contingency due to COVID-19.
We present the #ImagenOficial International Festival of Graffiti Meeting of Styles Colombia, made by the artist and illustrator Roy Abril @roy_ritmo @ryotrip
It is a tribute to the biodiversity and natural wealth that the Colombian territory has, alluding to the “enchanted lagoon” that is part of the El Romeral nature reserve in the municipality of La Estrella, Antioquia. It is also a recognition of women practicing urban art, who for many years have been making great contributions to the scene. In addition to highlighting in the main elements, the writting type letters that represent the main trend and influence on the Colombian graffiti scene.
A bet that sought to transform spaces based on art, change the perception of graffiti vandalism and improve the quality of life of artists and communities.
Cities need color, they need graffiti!
With a different format, behind closed doors, the # MOSColombia2020 edition brought together more than 50 artists from Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela, from November 27 to 30. Taking to the streets of La Estrella, Antioquia a live art gallery that showed the best techniques and styles of Latin American graffiti.
All fans of the Festival and Urban Art can relive the minute by minute of the event, following the official account on Instagram and Facebook