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26-28 July 2024, Paimpol (France)

26-28 July 2024, Paimpol (France)

MOSaff - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

For the second consecutive year Meeting Of Styles will make a stop in the pretty town of Paimpol. The facades of the popular neighborhoods of this city on the French coast of Brittany will offer their walls to more than 70 graffiti artists from around the world. This great Hip-Hop event in 2023 gathered more than 2500 visitors from all over France creating one of the largest graffiti gathering in the west.

This year again, in addition to the frescoes, the organization has concocted two Hip-Hop evenings on the port facing the sea!! Artists and amateurs, come and see us during this event that will again this year welcome the best international writers. Peace-Unity-Love-Having Fun!

See Also
14074513 10153883260828226 1125923081 o - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Papy TSFcrew
Author: Papy TSFcrew

member of the french graffiti team TSFcrew and organizer of the french step of the MOS

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