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15-17 November 2019, Rio Grande/Pelotas (Brasil)

15-17 November 2019, Rio Grande/Pelotas (Brasil)

RIG19grafix - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Meeting Of Styles Brasil always comes into life by the help of a lot of passion and love! Again t his year the event is extended over two weekends in two cities – Rio Grande and Pelotas. Brasilian eye candy and joy!

Brazil has already been part of the MOS calendar in two other moments. Since 2014, under the management of the graffiti artist Lucas Stuczynski and production of A.M.E. Producer, who have the honor and responsibility to keep the country within the calendar, it’s been happening in Rio Grande do Sul.

 6th of execution consecutively and the brazilian stage has some great news! It will happen in two editions – Pelotas and Rio Grande. The two stages will select 90 artists.

12722029_978225358930194_1542790045_nMeeting of Styes has been solidifying, every year, as a hip hop festival with focus on graffiti. We will join street dances, game of skate, bomb battles, knowledge battles, a lot of rap, the best DJs and great artists with their colors changing the view and touching lives.



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See Also
LIMlogo - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Oficial site MOS BRASIL:

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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