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07-11 June 2017, Wiesbaden (Germany)

07-11 June 2017, Wiesbaden (Germany)

WSB17plakatweb1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
It seems like 2017 will be a special year for the german Meeting in its hometown Wiesbaden. Currently the local organisation is checking for additional wallspace expanding the MOS in order to turn ugly spots into pieces of art. 12722029_978225358930194_1542790045_n A huge underpass-complex at the bench of the Rhine containing meanhwile more than 4000qm space on several walls, well reachable by train, car and bus. The first events already happened late 90ies. Since then the underpass has completely changed from ghetto to an art-gallery. 360banner
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Meet & Greet, Kontext, Welfenstr. 1b, 65189 Wiesbaden, 17 .00 Meet and greet the artists, Book-Signing

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07 June 17 – Martha Cooperยดs Photo-Show Kontext – Center for urban culture, Welfenstr. 1b, Wiesbaden, 18 Uhr In the sweet age of 3 little Martha took her first photos and in 173 she started to work for the New York Post. MarthaCooperFlyWeb 08 June 17 – Meet & Greet The Artists / “Wall Writers”-Movie-Screening Meet & Greet the artists in a relaxed atmosphere, Book-Signing at grill or bar.ย  Kontext – Center for urban culture, Welfenstr. 1b, Wiesbaden, 17.00 WallWriters-slider Wall Writers – When Graffiti Lost Its Innocence: The movie explores the rise of Graffiti into mainstream society in a time of socil turbulences in the late 60ies and early 70ies and takes a closer lool ont the culture of this time. More precise than any other book about this topic, Wall Writers not only explores the the early Graf-Writing, but also the Writers themselves, which managed to add a message to the new trechnology of spraypaint.ย  Movie-Screening, Kino der Murnau-Stiftung, Murnaustr. 6, Wiesbaden, 20.00 Fr., 09.06.17 – Meeting Of Styles Brรผckenkopf Theodor-Heuss-Brรผcke, Mainz-Kastel, 14.00 14 .00: 120 Artists from 18 countries create murals in 4000qm of walls 15.00: Dub-Reggae, Roots with Shine ya Light & Till-I 18.00: Drum-N-Bass, Ragga, Jungle with Basslastig & Sunset Crew 09 June 17 – Opening-Party – Moka Only, Swollen Members, Grime Krauts 18342140_403090463417663_3591868956972042922_n This years Opening-Party we welcome Moka Only from Canada. The former Swollen Member has his roots in the candian underground scene, recently won several canadian awards and now is on tour in Europe with his new album presenting extra special guests. Doors 22.00 | Show: 24.00 | AK 12โ‚ฌ | Kontext Wiesbaden

The walls displayed here are the main targets beside of the well-know underpass. We are working on permissions and eventhough we are not sure whether we will get all the walls shown below, we will get more wallspace for sure! The main walls in the underpass have space for about 80-100 artists and are created in huge concepts. More walls and locations are spread around the neighborhood.

See Also
SKG05 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

ย Line-Up Argentina: Bater, Medianeras, Irene, Nekro / Australia: Damien, Vince / Belgien: Asit, Full Colours, Los Flammos / Brasil: Amoaro, Bobbi, Devis, John, Kajaman, KBCA, Leo DCO, Talu, Vespa, Vidal, Wheat / Chile: Kolejo, Ren / Germany: Aeromigos, Artig, Barok, Calligraphit, Can2 & Friends, DBL, Friendly Fire, Kopfkrampf, Lim, Nevel 11, RNGDS, / England: Dan K, SPzero / Finland: Raw Deal / France: 5.7 / Greece: Funkie Freaks / Netherlands: Studio Giftig / Italy: 1030, LยดMe, Mate N1, TZL, Web3 / Kenya: BSQ Crew / Mexico: Apoio 14, Aspir, Cuate, Kober, Yocka, XeArte / Peru: Sef, Haduk, Mono / Russia: 310, Yzor / Switzerland: Kler, Les Uns, Pollo77 / Serbia: Chenipe, Demon / Spain: Afary Club, Dan Ferrer, Grow Up, Jaikรผ, Hidra, Rode / USA: Martha Cooper, Raven SB / Stick Up Girls Directions Brรผckenkopf Mainz-Kastel, Am Rheinufer, 55252 Mainz-Kastel Freeway: A66 or A671 direction Wiesbaden, exit Mainz-Kastel onto B455 which takes you straight to the spot. Train: S1, S9, SE10 Station Mainz-Kastel Bus: From Wiesbaden lines 6, 9, 33. From Mainz lines 6, 9, 28, 55, 91 Airports: From Frankfurt International train S9 direction Wiesbaden, from Frankfurt/Hahn take the bus to Mainz main train station, then take the bus as mentioned above. Kontext Wiesbaden, Welfenstr. 1b, 65189 Wiesbaden From Mainz-Kastel take trains S1, S9 or SE10 to Wiesbaden. Approx 1o minutes footwalk from the main station beyond the famous Schlachthof-grounds you find Kontext. Busline 6 direction Wiesbaden stops in the front of the center. From main station Wiesbaden take 3, 33 und 6 direction Welfenstrasse.

Accomodation? There is a legal spot for camping near-by, low fare. Camping Maaraue Maaraue 48 55246 Mainz-Kostheim Phone:(+49) 06134 / 2575922 Fax:(+49) 06134 / 2575923 Hotel zum Schnackel Boelckestr. 5 55252 Mainz-Kastel Telefon +49 6134 564760 Fax +49 6134 564 76333 Email Mainz โ€“ Rhein-Main-Jugendherberge, Jugendgรคstehaus Otto-Brunfels-Schneise 4 55130 Mainz Tel. +49-613-85332 Fax. +49-613-82422
Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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