
Bio :
Based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Writing since 2006, member of HSK crew (ID), GU (ID) and CLKS (FR). Exploring in wildstyle graffiti and other graffiti crafts. instagram : @enaisikey23
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Vane MG is a multidisciplinary artist & Designer from Colombia who is now established in London. She worked in the Design world from 2009 & in 2015 she started working on projects which focussed on highlighting the importance of Latin American women. Some of her most important artworks are at...
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Thomas Kojo Alicoe Appiah a simply known as Tetebotan Kali is a multi-talented Ghanaian Artist, specialized on Mural/Graffiti (urban arts) known for numerous artistic styles, including body art, water colour and more. His multi­dimensional iconic works of art revolve around nature and everyday life, social issues, culture, the great thinkers...
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Miguel angel vega flores nacido en acapulco, guerrero, inicia a pintar graffiti formalmente en el año 2012 en las calles de acapulco , tomando gusto por las letras y sus diferentes estilos, siendo invitados como crew a diferentes partes del estado de guerrero y algunas ciudades del país como ciudad...