Bio :
Based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Writing since 2006, member of HSK crew (ID), GU (ID) and CLKS (FR). Exploring in wildstyle graffiti and other graffiti crafts. instagram : @enaisikey23
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Vane MG is a multidisciplinary artist & Designer from Colombia who is now established in London. She worked in the Design world from 2009 & in 2015 she started working on projects which focussed on highlighting the importance of Latin American women. Some of her most important artworks are at...
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Thomas Kojo Alicoe Appiah a simply known as Tetebotan Kali is a multi-talented Ghanaian Artist, specialized on Mural/Graffiti (urban arts) known for numerous artistic styles, including body art, water colour and more. His multidimensional iconic works of art revolve around nature and everyday life, social issues, culture, the great thinkers...
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Miguel angel vega flores nacido en acapulco, guerrero, inicia a pintar graffiti formalmente en el año 2012 en las calles de acapulco , tomando gusto por las letras y sus diferentes estilos, siendo invitados como crew a diferentes partes del estado de guerrero y algunas ciudades del país como ciudad...