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I have been painting for 20 years, I started with graffiti letters, but the more I fell in love with this world, the more I wanted to evolve and try new techniques and styles, and today I try to combine the figurative with strokes and shapes that pay homage to...
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Graffiti writer and street artist From Aalborg, Denmark
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Enias โ€“ 38 year old graffiti artist, from Copenhagen/Denmark.. Iโ€™ve been painting graffiti for more than 20 years, and I like to play with dimensions โ€“ 2D/3D, โ€œFantasyโ€ and โ€œRealismโ€โ€ฆ A smart man once said - โ€œEarth without art, is just Ehโ€ - I felt that..
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Artista Grafitero Chileno, nacido en el sector poniente de la capital, comuna de CerroNavia, pintor desde los 13 aรฑos y en la actualidad me encuentro radicado en el WallMapu - Temuko-Chile.
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My work consist of clean lines and vibrant colors that tell little stories. I refrain from making statements. I want to make work that everyone can like no matter what age, gender or religion. No deeper meanings, just fun! With over 2 decates of experience in the graffiti and mural...
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I am an artist who works mainly in Finland and Sweden with a focus on murals/graffiti. My artistic background is in the Stockholm graffitiscene and i am active in the finnish and swedish scene. I often work with public art where my unique integration between visual education and artistic practice...