
Bio :
ฮ™n 2014 I have graduated from the School of Fine Arts at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece. In 1998 I started doing graffiti & street art and and I am still continuing. My style in canvas and also on walls was developed after wide experimentation with surreal characters,...
Bio :
Klementyna Gokun I was born on August 17, 1972 in Kyiv. In 1991 I graduated from the State Art High School โ€žTaras Shevchenkoโ€œ in the class of painting. Since 1991 i have been sketching costumes and scenography for Kyiv studio theaters. In 90-2000 i was engaged in easel painting. The...
Bio :
Ruusa (Rosa Hultman) is an artist from Helsinki who has been active in street art since 2014. In her street art, Ruusa often paints on a current topic or grabs an idea from the local culture, wherever she paints. The smaller paintings, on the other hand, often deal with the...