
Bio :
Tuke or tukeone has been painting graffiti since the early 90s and simultaneously working as a full time artist/muralist. His style is influenced by nature and the world around him yet meshed with graffiti esthetics. Whether working large or small there is a certain attention to detail when creating these...
Bio :
Aline Ribeiro (Tuka) รฉ uma artista urbana, mรฃe e ativista social, com foco na igualdade de gรชnero. Comeรงou no graffiti em 2003 e, de 2006 a 2010, lecionou a oficina de Graffiti da Prefeitura de Itapevi. Formada em Artes Visuais e cursou Desenho Industrial, Tuka atuou como Arte Educadora em...
Bio :
Tscheggo Bandmitglieder : Tscheggo (Raps + Beats) DJ Mort ( Cutz ) Werdegang: Angefangen mit Rap hab ich 2005 durch Freestyles im kleinen Kreis. Dort lernte ich DJ Mort kennen. Danach kamen erste Aufnahmen von eigenen Texten mit kleinen Crew Releases und Live Auftritten hinzu. Seit 2018 mache ich Soloprojekte...