Bio :
Issu du domaine du graffiti et du street art, je suis un artiste né en 1990 en Guadeloupe, où je vis. Autodidacte, mon parcours artistique s’est également construit et s’est développé de techniques des peintures acryliques, de l’utilisation de marqueurs, et d’outils innovants tels que la création assistée par ordinateur,...
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Calligraffiti Artist from Germany
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*Belgian graffiti artist *G2F CREW
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The passion for art and graphics began as a kid imitating great artists and trying to find his own style. Music has always been at the base so much so that it has simultaneously become a good recognized selector of Jamaican music in Italy. Combining my passion for Jamaican music...
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Artiste graffiti français, membre du B80, 1SLOB!, F2B.
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Nads is a passionate calligraffiti artist based in Hanoi, Vietnam, with over 10 years of experience in the world of graffiti art. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant street culture of Hanoi, Nads blends traditional calligraphy with urban graffiti to create unique, dynamic pieces that speak to both personal expression and...
Bio :
Writing’s in my blood. So, whether it’s ink or paint, my blood becomes multi-coloured as it’s expressed onto whatever surface it’s aimed at; Stone, Steel or Paper. It’s the other side of the ‘mirror of self-harming’. It’s a creative release.