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  • MoS


mon08poster - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

29-31 August 2008, Montreal (Canada)

A Three days of graffiti, avant-garde and celebration, presented by Yves Laroche Galerie dโ€™art. Our local organisation has done a lot to present you a...
vce08flyerfront - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

08-10 August 2008, Venice (Italy)

The italian MOS is established in Padova, near Venice since 2004. Through the time climate was good, in 008 the Meeting moves to Venice as...
bel08fly - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

01-03 August 2008, Belfast (Ireland)

Ireland was one of the first countries to join the MOS back in 2002. After the meeting moved over to Liverpool and Birmingham in the...
lle08fly - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

18-20 July 2008, Lleida (Spain)

In 2003 the MOS came to the spanish capitol Madrid. Since then Spain was a gap on the map. Now the MOS comes back to...
win08webfrnt - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

11-13 July 2008, Winterthur (Switzerland)

The swiss event is established since 2003 in Winterthur, a city 20km outside Zurich. After the event moved to Zurich in 2007, it came back...
wro08plakmos - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

05-06 July 2008, Wroclaw (Poland)

The polish MOS is established since 2002 and is the major Graffit-Event in Poland. After the event had been held in Lodz, a new city...
mos08poster - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

13-15 June 2008, Wiesbaden (Germany)

After the mad destruction of the worldfamous Schlachthof Hall-Of-Fame and the further commercial use of the area, it seemed like Graffiti-Culture lost all spaces. But...
lon08fly - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

06-08 June 2008, London (England)

We are proud we were to bring the British leg of the Meeting of Styles to London for the first time. End Of The Line...
car08fly - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

23-25 May 2008, Carevo (Bulgaria)

It is the third time the Meeting is coming down to Bulgaria. The national Graffiti- and Hip-Hop-scene is young, but very active, vivid and diverse....
skg08fly1 - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

09-11 May 2008, Thessaloniki (Greece)

The greek event is established in Saloniki since 2004 and is the only annual Graffiti-Event. The scene is very vivid and strong, the public climate...