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06-08 September 2024, Nature Meeting Graffiti, Parma (Italy)

06-08 September 2024, Nature Meeting Graffiti, Parma (Italy)

nature meeting Post di LinkedIn - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti
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Nature Meeting Graffiti Artist is a Call for 6 Urban Art artists, they are invited to give their contribution for a reflection on nature. Curated by the Cultural Association for Social Promotion McLuc Culture. Organizer of the Meeting of Styles Italy 2023. End Supported by Agugiaro & Figna. With the patronage of the Municipality of Parma, Department of Culture and with Meeting of Styles International. Understood not only as beauty but also as a mother of which man is only part and not the central point. Nature generates us, nourishes us and above all is our teacher. Humanity should be grateful to nature because it is the direct connection with our vital and spiritual functions.

Creativity is one of the most natural means that allows us to communicate with our inner world and the environment around us. We are all gifted with creativity and when it is not repressed it has the strength to make us stay in a harmonious relationship with things and with others, promoting awareness and inner peace. Nature deserves respect however because it nourishes the body and soul of living beings.
From nature we receive all the raw materials useful for our sustenance and the opportunity to live in harmony with the environment around us, which hosts us. This is why it is important to respect nature and the environment in which we live, because we are part of it. By respecting nature we respect ourselves.
The Meeting is conceived and coordinated by the McLuc Culture aps association of Parma and is hosted by Molini Agugiaro & Figna, promoters and supporters of the initiative, at the structure in Via Martiri della Liberazione between Parma and Vicofertile. In an area that already represents an important historical memory for the art of the millers of Parma.

In order to participate, artists must request selection via an online form duly completed and signed in all its parts, accepting the terms of participation in the call. At the same time, for the purposes of participation in the selection, the project must be received by midnight on 25 June 2024, via email to the following address and must contain, under penalty of exclusion, the following documentation: 1. Portfolio of the artist; 2. A draft of the work on the wall, in color, in PDF, also faithful in color. The project must include the author’s surname and name on the file. 3. A photomontage of the work on the wall you would like to paint is appreciated but not obligatory. 4. A text of maximum 2000 characters, in which the project will be described, the meaning/message of the project, any technique used, the implementation method and any necessary precautions. 5. The colors of the sprays necessary for the creation, taking into account the number of sprays made available for each artist. It is important to read the participation methods, the document of which is published on the organizers’ websites and on their respective social channels. Or you can request it to be sent via email by writing to The 6 selected artists will be hosted by the organization for three days and two nights, they will receive all the material and everything needed for the execution of the works. Be of certified healthy and robust constitution and have a valid license for the use of aerial platforms. They will also receive a reimbursement of expenses and will still have to be independent when traveling.
The artists will be selected by an internal jury whose names will be announced after June 25th. The jury will take into account: Relevance to the proposed theme, Artistic quality, Creativity of the work, Interaction with the surrounding environment, Feasibility in relation to resources and Originality. The works must be unpublished and must not have already been used in other areas.
The project is not intended to represent a competition. It aims to be an opportunity for organizers and artists to use urban creativity as a means to concretely raise awareness in the community towards the contents of the proposed theme.

See Also
WSB24 fly front Web - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Fabrizio Maci
Author: Fabrizio Maci

Italian columnist, art counselor, designer and creative director. Main inspirer of McLuc Culture. He is dedicated to promoting urban creativity as a means for personal growth and social development. Taking care of numerous projects related to urban art. With the intention of creating outdoor artistic spaces to connect with art in an accessible and inclusive way. Supporter of the power of art as a tool for healing and communication and to raise awareness of social issues, to overcome cultural barriers by promoting social inclusion. McLuc Culture is a non-profit cultural association based in Parma. Since 2005 it has been promoting urban urban creativity for social development. To overcome cultural boundaries, prejudices and social conflicts. Urban creativity can be an art therapy for personal growth, connection with the environment and relationships between people. Despite its modest size, the association organizes international events thanks to a network of passionate volunteers who revolve around it. Including Segni Urbani and organized the Meeting of Styles Italy 2023


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