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02-08 June 2003, Paris (France)

02-08 June 2003, Paris (France)

MOS03inta - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

In Paris the MOS happened in close cooperation with the Kosmopolite-Festival. Over one week there were workshops, an exposition and the release of Copeยดs book “The Living Legend”. Beside of the long main-wall there was a parking-deck available for painting.

PAR03flySince the 1980s petty crime has increased in France, much of it blamed on juvenile delinquency. As a result the banlieues are perceived to have become rather unsafe places to live, and youths from the banlieues are perceived to be one important source of increased petty crimes and uncivic behaviour. As a result of this criminality, the National Front, a far right political party led by Jean-Marie Le Pen, rose to prominence during the early 1990s on a platform of tougher law enforcement and immigration control.

Violent clashes between hundreds of youths and the French Police in the Paris banlieues began in October 2005, continued for more than seventeen consecutive nights andcaused riots in several other french cities. The 2005 suburb riots were triggered by the electrocution deaths of two teenagers who were, allegedly, attempting to hide from police in an electricity substation.


So many artists came to leave their signs of skills. If you ever been to Paris, you know about the women over there. No further comment about this. The week of activities closed with a fresh party near-by the venue. About 3.000 visitors attended the project over the week.

See Also
MIA19grafix - Meeting of Styles: International Street Art & Graffiti

Author: MoS

MOS Orga.

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